as it is such a good medium to "stalk" people. kadang-kadang bukan sengaja pun nak stalk.
da kalau keluar sume citer: flirty-tweets, kisah rumah tangga, etc.. so time bosan2 aku baca je la kan :P
there's a story i wanna share relating to twitter. in my circle of friends, only few registered
with twitter since they dont really like the interface. but for me, i like twitter because it's simple
to share with others bout our thoughts coz no one will get sick if you update twitter for every minute.
if it were facebook then people will think you as an attention seeker. i dont want that!
anyway that's not my point for today :P
back to the story, last month i saw a friend sobbing bout something that the person cant stand and
finally he/she has the gut to move on. so being as a supportive friend, i calmed him/her with all the respect.
but its kinda let me down when i found that there is a hidden story despite of the so called
truthfully, you're so wrong. so wrong for doing that.
Sekian Lama
5 weeks ago
3 whispers:
betul irda.twitter jd cam medium tuk stalk org lak.hehe tp bukan sengaja pon.suke twitter gak sbb simple
so, nak tahu lebih lanjut, kena korek kat twitter la ni?
@mcddy: kan.klw bosan2,bukak twitter homepage, tunggu je orang update. kalau ade orang gado2 lg best :P
@nifi: tp my twitter bertapis vkit *yo yo la tu*
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