I promise to myself to write at least a post per week, in English just to improve my language skills. Here, we are using English daily in our reports, emailing, daily instructions etc. Thank God we don't have to speak in English with our colleagues (except with foreigners).
Basically during my on the job training/attachment, I need to go through our daily instruction. Daily instruction is where we find out about yesterday activity and also what we're planning to do today or in a week time. We forecast the feed from which tank, product target and yields.
Then, I need to monitor plant condition. Is it operating at the correct parameters or is it as per planned? if not , then I need to learn/justify why we have increasing/decreasing in certain parameters. At first it kinda hard for me because I don't really see the relation of manipulating parameters towards production. but slowly, I've been exposed by my senior engineer and also operation specialist. They help me, a lot.
So far, I am enjoying working in this kind of culture. but somehow a part of me still there, in Kerteh :')
Well, hope everything is going to be fine. insyaAllah.
till later,
young engineer
Sekian Lama
5 weeks ago
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