Hello there! I think I am a bad blogger because my entries for June is like, only 3?
Hello June which is basically only just to welcome the joyful month then
wordless Wednesday which I purposely updated the blog on Wed
so that i can cut the story short by posting tonnes of pics. haha. :P
Anyway, back to the topic, i have been thinking of sharing this with you readers
about Automysophobia. Automysophobia is actually fear of being dirty
or to put it in a simple word, hygiene freak and to make it more specific,
i think i used to have this kind of phobia. well please don't blame me for having it. >.<
why do I think that i was one of them?
firstly to be honest, i never share anything like drink from the same glass or bottles
with any of my siblings or parents since i was 5 until 17 years old.
maybe because at home, we have to clean it by ourselves right
after using it. another thing related to oral hygiene, we never had
breakfast before having a proper bath
(which include brushing our teeth in the morning). my mom strictly
dont allow us to do that although it was so early in the morning. no excuse.
secondly, we dont have any typical fragrant soap/shower foam in our bathrooms since
we only use dettol, lifebuoy or you-name-it-any-antibacterial-soap. maybe because
i was too active playing around during childhood so my mom decided not to have other
soap (?). whatever. hehe
thirdly, since the existence of hand sanitizer, i will always bring along one small bottle
in my handbag and i used to have a big bottle of sanitizer at my room for the
purpose of sanitizing my study table (every month/fortnight). i also use
the sanitizer at for my feet before applying lotion. dont ask me why because
i just don't know. -__-"
lastly, i would never use this kind of toilet in public.
but everything change after I entered UTP. well,
#1 - i do share drinks with my friends but not with
#2 - i do buy another non antibacterial shower foam, just to use it in the morning before
going to class and for night shower with antibacterial (at least i try to reduce) :P
#3 - im no longer carrying the sanitizer in my handbag but
i still practice simple self-hygiene protection in public like i dont put my hands
on the escalator handrail, whenever i feel like sneezing i will always prepare
a tissue to cover my mouth, and always wash my hands with soap
before and after meals and after changing shoes for bowling.
well most of my close friends know about this hygienic thingy and they respect it.
but i still stick to not having breakfast before shower and not sharing foods/drinks
if the person is not considered hygienic in my own rating. hehe :P
Sekian Lama
5 weeks ago
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