is not here with me in UTP. huuu~
this evening, i was supposed to drive him to KTM Batu Gajah but we're kinda
rush because I need to go to supermarket to buy food for our CJ7 picnic.
so, i let him drive instead. peace!
by the time we reached the KTM station, it was about to take off!
my dear run so quickly to catch up with the train and manage to jump into it.
but it's kinda sad because it didnt get to properly wave to him.
crappy. well actually im starting to miss him :(
i know that soon i'll meet him. come on he just went back only for 3days.
rinduu :(
Sekian Lama
5 weeks ago
3 whispers:
eiy..baru kejap tak jumpe okey..
rileks la..kite ni lagi la..
btw tadi diorang pergi dating berdua tanpa kita!
haha irda, ko bygkan la perasaan aku yg sebulan leh jmp 2-3 kali je.. huhu
azie: xbole... bosan klw xde mus.. xde org nk kcw :P
fain: tu la ak risau cmne la nk keje nnt. klw jauh2 xtau la ape jd kt ak.. huu
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